3 large crabs tail
4 cm galangal, crushed
4 scallions, chopped
2 pieces of orange juice, take the water
1 stalk lemongrass
wo lime leaves
500 ml of water
1 tablespoon fish sauce
1 teaspoon salt
50 ml cooking oil
Spices that are:
12 pieces of red chili
5 spring onions
50 grams of walnuts and white
How To Make Acid Spicy Crab Recipe:
Boil crabs
Open tempurungnyabersihkan gills and cut into 4 sections.
Boil water, put herbs that have been mashed, crabs and salt.
Stir-fry galangal, lemongrass and lime leaves with cooking oil until fragrant.
Enter the fish sauce and scallions, stir-fry briefly, remove from heat.
Enter a stir in the crab stew.
Reduce the heat to absorb the seasoning.
Prior to his appointment enter the orange juice. Serve warm.